Wholesale flowers and preserves are available to customers who meet our criteria for wholesale supply.
Contact us to find out more about how our business can help your business or event.
You can apply for a "Wholesale Account" if you are a:
If you want to become an approved wholesale buyer, please email us (sales@scrubbygully.co.nz) and we can send you the Wholesale Account application form.
For wedding and event planners, you do not have to do a minimum number of events but please get in touch with us to discuss options - we'd love to make your event planning easier for you.
Each Friday a list will be emailed to approved wholesale flower buyers to let them know what will be available for the following week.
The Friday list will include reminders of cut-off times for each day plus the price and availability of product.
A wholesale discount of 20% before GST applies to all preserves on orders of more than 15 individual products or 6 gift hampers.
Because our products are seasonally grown, we do not always have large volumes available.
Please email us so we can confirm availability of product and so that we can outline the best options for supply and freight.
Get in touch to see how we can help you! sales@scrubbygully.co.nz